This Outrageous, Bushwick-Launched Production Is What Happens When You Add DJ Sets to Shakespeare

Do you dig Shakespeare, but wish his stuff was less theater and more a live DJ set with political undertones? If so, here's the show for you!

Tags: standard toykraft

This Outrageous, Bushwick-Launched Production Is What Happens When You Add DJ Sets to Shakespeare

Do you dig Shakespeare, but wish his stuff was less theater and more a live DJ set with political undertones? If so, here's the show for you!

New Bushwick Play ‘Chinashop, Meet Bulls’ Promises to Be a Psychotic Mis-Adventure Comedy

If you're looking for some fun post-work plans this week, we've got a fun, theatrical option for you

Last Weekend to See “The Tower” and its Psychedelic, Cannibalistic Journey

Behind an assuming facade on Metropolitan Avenue and up a flight of creaky stairs lies a magical place known as Standard Toykraft