Support QTPOC Vendors: Shop at metaDEN’s Friday Night Markets

Each event will take place the first three Fridays of December at the metaDEN’s new location at 1335 Gates Ave, and feature a rotation of vendors of color, with a queer and trans focus.


Support QTPOC Vendors: Shop at metaDEN’s Friday Night Markets

Each event will take place the first three Fridays of December at the metaDEN’s new location at 1335 Gates Ave, and feature a rotation of vendors of color, with a queer and trans focus.

Qinfolk: A Festival Centered on the Art, Stories and Mental Health of QTPOC

The event in Ithaca, N.Y. creates a space for queer and trans people of color to talk about mental health and share art, film and more.

Heated Conversations: a Healing Experience for QTBIPoC Comes to Ridgewood

A healing, inclusive, and creative space by Ecokiki and HotBox Mobile Sauna, to uplift queer, non-binary and trans folx of color.