Nat Grid Says They’ll Restart Construction Following Williams Pipeline Rejection

'We know the fight is not over,' activists says of their fight against the pipeline extension

Tags: pipeline

Nat Grid Says They’ll Restart Construction Following Williams Pipeline Rejection

'We know the fight is not over,' activists says of their fight against the pipeline extension

National Grid Halts Brooklyn Pipeline Over COVID-19 Pandemic

National Grid workers had been working 'in close proximity to each other' for a week after non-essential workers were ordered home

Police Arrest Ten Protestors on Friday as Pipeline Action Continues

Extinction Rebellion Briefly Stop National Grid Drilling Project as Protestors Place themselves directly in the work zone.

Nat Grid Pushes Pipeline into Bushwick while Refusing New Hookups to Local Businesses

Salazar raises concerns in Albany regarding pipeline expansion; Brookly Energy Provider, National Grid, likely violated its own procedures in a sudden rush to deny services this year.