Get to Know Bushwick Like Never Before Using This New, Data-Rich Interactive Map

Ever wondered how long the average commute of a Bushwick resident is—or what percentage of the neighborhood was born abroad? Find out using!

Tags: NYU Furman Center on Real Estate and Urban Policy

Get to Know Bushwick Like Never Before Using This New, Data-Rich Interactive Map

Ever wondered how long the average commute of a Bushwick resident is—or what percentage of the neighborhood was born abroad? Find out using!

A New Report Analyzes the Steps New York Is Taking to Slow Gentrification in Bushwick and Beyond

In its latest study, NYU's Furman Center details the problems of the rental market, exploring how cities are trying to fix them.

How Local Advocates Want to Address Bushwick’s Race, Class & Affordable Housing Issues

An expert panel on gentrification versus affordable housing in New York City filled audience members with frustration—and hope.

Bushwick is Named 4th Most Gentrifying Neighborhood by NYU’s Furman Center

In case you were wondering Bushwick is not the most gentrifying neighborhood in the city