A Bushwick Artist Prepares for Death by Offering Her Possessions to Strangers in a New Art...

"You Can Get My Stuff When I'm Dead" is Lisa Levy's personalized art-auction where she puts her life on display.

Tags: lisa levy

A Bushwick Artist Prepares for Death by Offering Her Possessions to Strangers in a New Art Exhibit

"You Can Get My Stuff When I'm Dead" is Lisa Levy's personalized art-auction where she puts her life on display.

BOS 2016 Pro tip: Lisa & Nina’s Excellent Studio Tour Adventures!

Lisa Levy and Nina Keneally plan on "making visiting studios irreverent and entertaining"

Bushwick Artist Will Sit Naked on a Toilet for 2 Days to Protest Bullshit in the Art World

Bushwick has seen plenty of bizarre nudity over the years--whether it's burlesque, shows ar Bizarre, smallest dick contest, or an old-fashion strip club Pumps

Heart-Melter: 7 Fantastic Pet Rescue Stories From Bushwick

Bushwick is a great place to own a pet

Dr. Lisa: 10 Things You Should Not Take Personally

As one of the self-proclaimed "Most Insecure People on the Planet," my evaluation of whether to take things personally or not is something I have struggled with all of my life

10 Bushwick Power Couples: Makin’ Love & Bushwick Happen

We at Bushwick Daily are total romantics and proudly celebrate Valentine's Day

Dr. Lisa: Decoding 2 Sexy Bushwick Bars

At the risk of beating a dead horse here, I thought it would be fun and interesting to do a follow-up to the awesome story my colleagues did on five places to get laid in Bushwick