Demolition Set for Mansion on Bushwick Ave Historic Corridor to Make Way for New Apartment Building

While not uncommon to see new developments sprouting up on almost every block in Bushwick. Bushwick Historic Corridor has been the subject of several movements to receive historic landmark designation

Tags: gentrification

New Residential Monstrosity on Bushwick Avenue Will Bring 232 Units

Is this the one that will finally tip the scales and turn Bushwick into even more of a little Williamsburg?

Retail Chain Stores in Bushwick Are On the Rise, Report Indicates

The 8.2% increase across the three zip codes that include all Bushwick addresses is much higher than the 2.3% borough-wide increase.

Worlds Colliding: Modesto ‘Flako’ Jimenez on Being an Artist from Bushwick ‘Hood’

From a kid with glasses, braces and a Shakespeare book under his arm to a widely known and respected performance!

Beyond Tech Hub Speculation: Historic Patents Showcase Longtime Bushwick Innovators

A brief history of some of the many inventors and innovators who have called Bushwick home.

A New Documentary Explores How North Brooklyn Tenants Succeed at Fighting Displacement

"The Method" identifies the strategy that has kept many North Brooklyn residents in their homes despite aggressive attempts to displace them. The final step? "Never give up."

A New Report Analyzes the Steps New York Is Taking to Slow Gentrification in Bushwick and Beyond

In its latest study, NYU's Furman Center details the problems of the rental market, exploring how cities are trying to fix them.

Share your Experience of Gentrification this Sunday at Bushwick’s Owl Juice Pub

The second installment of the open forum The Exchange is happening this Sunday from 5-7 p.m. at Owl Juice Pub.

Get Out There: So Many Amazing Things Are Happening in Bushwick This Weekend!

Bushwick Open Studios, The Bushwick Film Festival and BOOM Festival are all coordinating lots and lots of events around the neighborhood.

Hilarious Fake Bushwick Apartment Listing Offers Up Treehouse in Maria Hernandez Park

A brooklyn resident posted the bogus listing to make apartment hunters consider the dire state of the housing situation in Bushwick.

Got Ideas on How to Fight Displacement? Bring Them to Mayday Space

The meeting on August 20th is set to bring together individuals and organizations fighting predatory housing practices across the city.

Bushwick Will Represent at the Brooklyn Museum’s Anti-Gentrification and Displacement Forum Sunday

The forum takes place on Sunday, July 24th, and will feature speakers, musical performances, and discussions followed by a march which ends at a picnic in Prospect Park.

How Local Advocates Want to Address Bushwick’s Race, Class & Affordable Housing Issues

An expert panel on gentrification versus affordable housing in New York City filled audience members with frustration—and hope.

Help Envision Bushwick’s Future at a Local “Community Plan” Meeting

Your input is requested at a meeting about Bushwick's future: Bushwick residents have teamed up with Brooklyn Community Board 4, the Department of City Planning and the offices of local city council members Antonio Reynoso and Rafael Espinal to develop a community based approach to balancing "the desire to create and preserve affordable housing with the need to preserve Bushwick's character

New Study Identifies Greatest Threats to Bushwick’s Affordable Housing

In a new report released by the ANHD, researchers culled data from multiple sources in order to find how many threats to affordable housing exist in many of New York City's neighborhoods

Bushwick is Named 4th Most Gentrifying Neighborhood by NYU’s Furman Center

In case you were wondering Bushwick is not the most gentrifying neighborhood in the city