2020 Census Outreach Focuses on Brooklyn Communities with the Lowest Response Rates via New Data Map

New interactive map by CUNY helps organizations with the upcoming population census.

Tags: census data

2020 Census Outreach Focuses on Brooklyn Communities with the Lowest Response Rates via New Data Map

New interactive map by CUNY helps organizations with the upcoming population census.

Brooklyn’s Participation in the 2020 Population Census Could Stop Federal Funding Cuts for New York

Census participation is not just a numbers game. It’s an act of resistance against the federal administration.

More Artists Have Moved to Bushwick Than to Any Other NYC Neighborhood Since 2000

A study shows a 1116 percent increase over the past 15 years.

Are “White Bodies” Gentrifying Bushwick? A Look at Census Data [Updated]

[UPDATE: Please read editor's note regarding the use of 2000 Census Data in this article and an attached apology