Cafeteria La Mejor announced yesterday that it will be closing its doors this Sunday. Known for being a slice of colorful Miami in Bushwick, the cafe will close after three years on 191 Suydam St. The owners sent out a message on Facebook, saying:
“Thank you all for three years of patronage. A special shout-out to that first year, the year of Sandy, the last year before #Bushwick became as famous and insufferable as Asma al-Assad. This is our last week. We’ll be open Thursday through Sunday, 10-4, when you can come say hi and bye to Jeremy, who will make you your very last La Mejor café con leche. For now. Huge thanks to all the great people who worked here: Carolina, Dan, Anthony, Andrew, Daphnie, Claudia, and Miela. Couldn’t have done it without you guys.”
The news comes after the closing of their second location in March, which is now Mixtape Coffee.