Olive Valley: Falafel Heaven

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This Middle Eastern eatery has established itself as a solid mainstay among the many interesting establishments that make up the square block off the Morgan stop on Bogart st. If you are looking for a satisfying and freshly prepared meal with authentic Middle Eastern ingredients and don’t have the cash to go to its pricey neighbors we won’t mention names, then this place certainly measures up to Oasis off the Bedford stop in Williamsburg. It is of no surprise that the owner of Olive Valley is related to the nice gentlemen that run Oasis and they had the right idea of opening a place in Bushwick, the only of its kind. For three dollars the red lentil soup served with wholesome warm pita is wonderful on a cold winter day. If you really want to get the full experience come very hungry and get a platter and try the wide range of dishes that include lamb, chicken, vibrant salads, spreads, and vegetables. Oh and the falafel of course is always an obvious choice.

address: 43 Bogart St

metro: Morgan Ave or Montrose Ave (L train)

phone: 718.894.1800


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