We’re back with your favorite weekly roundup of all: the fascinating world of Craigslist missed connections.
Below are the stories of L-train riders looking for that locomotive love. Dear readers, could these be about you?
plant a sloppy kiss on these cheeks – w4m
When: April 11
A plant and the intoxicating fumes of a man’s suede shoes wafting in the subway wind brought our first poster crawling to the keyboard:
“I was holding a plant. I know, this sounds incredibly Brooklyn. But I was holding a plant on the L train.”
“We exchanged looks. I wanted to say hello. I wanted to give you my name or my number. I wanted to compliment your brown suede loafers, your kind face. I wanted to ask you how your evening was going, even though it was late on this Wednesday. If you noticed me and the plant, I would love to hear back from you.”
“I wore a black jacket, mauve pants and black/gold sneakers. If you don’t see this, hopefully we’ll meet again on the train.”
Miserable Yankees Fan – m4m
When: April 13
To Sir Gluteus Maximus, with love:
“You were in a blue Yankees hoodie. I tried not to look at you. You seemed miserable and me too. I was going to the gym in a Nike hat and puffer. All this happened yesterday morning. You’re cute.”
Just me and my big, pink bag – w4w
When: April 9
Organically, this rider came up with a Shakespearean one-liner for the ages:
“Good time to get groceries, eh?”
“My friend got off at Bedford, you made room for me and my big pink bag, and that’s all I had to say to break the ice, because I’m 99% sure the vibe was there, I just clammed up. Great making eyes and smiling goodbye though — it was a nice, fleeting moment!”
the red beanie strikes again – m4w
When: April 8
Anytime, anywhere, any gender: The glasses-and-beanie combo holds an alluring charm. There must be a scientific reason why a knitted hat positioned carefully at the back of someone’s head is just so dam attractive because, as this poster shows, there’s no other way to explain it:
“You had on glasses and a red beanie we continued to make eye contact and you smiled at me a couple times. If you see this somehow or are interested in meeting up I would like to take you out sometime.”
Hook, line, and punctuation-killer.
L train Tourista – m4w
When: April 6
This man did a good deed, but missed out out on a golden opportunity for an impromptu Archie’s pizza date. Nothing says I love you like a $3.75 slice:
“I helped you find the L train and we spoke a bit before getting off in Brooklyn. Would be nice to continue our conversation – if you’re reading this, send me something we spoke about or what I was wearing.”
So that’s all for the week of missed connections, Bushwick. If you have an incredible memory for strangers and think one of these posts is about you, leave us a comment — we want to pair you up with your missed connection!
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Cover image courtesy of Timothy Krause