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Espinal Pushes for Development of Comprehensive Urban Agricultural Plan to Aid Community Health

On June 11, the New York City Council’s Committee on Land Use held a hearing on Council Member Rafael Espinal's bill calling for the development of an urban agricultural plan.

Governor Cuomo Signs Loft Law Clean-Up Bill Amid Messy Community Debate

The bill has been years in the making and protects many of the city’s loft tenants from eviction.

Community-Based Project will Research the Impacts of Cleaning Supplies on Latinx Domestic Workers

Lack of health insurance, coupled with harmful chemical products, only serve to create a potentially life-threatening work environment.

Bushwick Non-Profit Found a New Home to Create Opportunities for Local Youth of Color

Educated Little Monsters has found a permanent space for over 50 local students.

Unique Community Group in Ridgewood Offers Experimental Social Gatherings and Events

From research to poetry, from gardening to protests!

New Bilingual Bookstore in Bushwick Fosters Culture for the Local Latinx and Black Community

Maria Herron, founder and co-owner of Mil Mundos, is a Cuban-American New York City native, who wanted to create an accessible space for the locals.

Ridgewood Representatives Discuss Bills Impacting Local Rental Market with Community Members

How and what is impacting the rental market in Ridgewood?

RiseBoro is Launching a Community Supported Agriculture Program in July

CSAs can be a wonderful resource, providing farmers with steady income and people with locally-produced food. The drawback is that they often cost a hefty up-front sum.

Sustainable Brooklyn Bridges the Gap Between the Environmental Movement and Communities of Color

Sustainable Brooklyn’s Dominique Drakeford and Whitney McGuire are on a mission to make the environmental movement more inclusive.

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