Search results: 3 dollar bill

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Immersive Queer Nightclub Musical Brings Oscar Wilde to East Williamsburg

Not much has survived in a secret bunker far in the fascist future, comprised of sequins, reality television, and the complete works of Oscar Wilde.


An Evening At Nowon (In Bushwick)

We also got some of the “chopped cheese” rice cakes that everyone seems to be talking about.

The Skaters Are Back… In East Williamsburg

A week after re-opening, local skaters take to one of their old haunting grounds.

Opinion: Where is Dilan?

Ahead of intense negotiations over the New York state budget, Dilan's former primary opponent says the assemblyman can't be found.

As New York City Plans to Ban Gas Hookups in Buildings, the Fight Against the North Brooklyn Pipeline Continues

The bill banning gas hookups in new buildings is supposed to pass this week, all while local Bushwick residents continue to fight against the National Grid pipeline being built throughout North Brooklyn.

NYC Set To Grant Noncitizens the Right to Vote in Local Elections

Thirty-six out of 51 councilmembers have sponsored the bill, which would grant more than 800,000 permanent residents and work permit holders the right to vote in city elections.

New Center, Collective Focus Hub, Provides Bushwick with Free Food, Goods and Services

“There’s a huge need for all kinds of things here,” said Rooney. “That’s something we learn every single day. Housing, food, clothing, ESL services, definitely mental health."

A New Citywide Initiative Provides Free Mental Health Care For Nightlife Workers

“I think the fact that this is becoming a conversation is important. Just that within itself is creating a lot of positive impact,” said Anya Sapozhnikova, co-founder of House of Yes. 

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