Upon initial glance of this weekend’s train service changes the first thing that popped into my mind was Whitesnake’s “Here I Go Again” (I know, random, it has been a long week) but really…here [we] go again on our own: and with a little help from the L train. That is right – this weekend is the second installment of “Lost” Bushwick-style, where the M and J trains don’t exist for a brief moment in time and we are stranded and forced to figure out shuttle buses and alternate traveling arrangements. It is a mass transit, modern-day version of Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” (or just the least laziest, because now I am rethinking my weekend plans because multiple train transfers – well, ain’t nobody got time for that). Anyways, take a look:
As always, make sure to check mta.info for any last minute info. Happy riding!