This morning the North West Bushwick Community group of neighbors to the former site of the Rheingold Brewery shared the news that the City Planning Commission has voted unanimously to approve the ULURP application for the the rezoning of the 9-block property on Bushwick’s Flushing border. “Another win for greedy developers,” laments David Ocasio, a member of the group. Locals concerned about the project had been organizing to prevent the rezoning, which is presented by Read Properties LLC, a development company with plans for luxury condos on the site. Most recently an advisory panel of community representatives had been formed to present different community perspectives about the rezoning to City Councilmember Diana Reyna.
However, while this may seem like an inevitable moment in the progress of gentrification, this is not the end of the fight against the installment of the new development. The rezoning is but one step in the process needed for ground to be broken on the site; stay tuned for more info from community representatives. Bushwick Daily looks forward to hearing what our neighbor’s next moves in this process will be.