Internationally prominent artist and Bushwick resident, Jules de Balincourt has had enough of his friends being priced out of Bushwick. On June 8th, he launched a big Facebook discussion when he announced his plans to create an artist collective that will buy buildings in Bushwick and prevent what happened in Williamsburg. Jules said in his status:
“[Jules] wants to start an organization bringing bushwick artist together to form a collective of sorts in which artist buy buildings together in order to prevent what happened in Williamsburg….the tearing down of old buildings to be replaced by Miami look alike condos for suit and tie types who have nothing invested in the local creative community. Any suggestions? I wanna do something about this. Sick of seeing my friends get pushed out of the Wick!”
Jules’ status was liked and shared by over 320 people, many of whom are Bushwick-based artists. Jules followed up with another status:
“[Jules] wants to thank everyone for there support, enthusiasm and suggestions in making artist bought studio/homes in Bushwick a reality not a dream, and for whoever tells us its not possible or to move to chicago…not interested. Will keep you posted on our first initial meeting.”
Jules de Balincourt bought a building on Starr Street in Bushwick in 2006, and used it for three years as a home for diverse community programming. During last year’s Bushwick Open Studios, Jules hosted Bushwick Basel, a semi-ironic art fair in his building.
We are trying to find out more about Jules’ plans, as well as the date of the first meeting. Stay tuned.
Further reading: Jules de Balincourt Issues Call to Arms Against Bushwick Gentrification [Art Fag City]