This week’s Listening Party highlights Bushwick’s own psychedelic outfit Spires. Listening Party is a curated weekly column promoting music discovery and encouraging concert-going. Featuring someone we’ve been jamming out to and whom we recommend to the masses, each Listening Party artist has an upcoming show the following week at a local NYC venue. Read on for a playlist and more!
WHO: Matt Stevenson (vocals, guitar) Samuel Shea (guitar) Jack Collins (bass), Ethan Snyder (drums)
THEY SAY: “Paisley Arena”
WE SAY: A psychedelic/progressive rock smoothie garnished with sprigs of peyote.
FROM: Bushwick & Bed-Stuy
ONLINE: https://www.facebook.com/spiresband
Recent Work: Multiple drug-referencing single “Candy Flip”
Spires have sent some Brooklyn bees abuzzing in recent months with their enthusiastic live sets and transcendental rock sound. Now they take their energy to Manhattan’s LES for a July residency at Piano’s – next week, on July 23rd, they play with fellow Listening Party alumni Lodro. Keep your eyes out for these talented young fellas.