Wick Talk

Trans Monogamist Dating: Me and My Polyamorous Pal

"I’ll do it until it isn’t fun,” I said. I think a part of me believed it would be fun for a while.

Here Are 5 Things Bushwick Needs to Borrow From Moscow

Contact lens vending machines and live beer are some of them.

Trans Monogomist Dating: What Scares Away Single Men

Commitment is kryptonite for men.

Trans Monogamist Dating: Waiting for That Bad Thing to Happen

What happens when we stop waiting for the other shoe to drop?

Data in a New York Post Article Show That “Hipsters” Are Taking Over Bushwick at an Alarming Rate

A story in the New York Post claimed that hipsters are driving out the Latinx community from Bushwick.

Moonlight and Darkness: One Bushwick Woman’s Journey Into Professional Astrology

From Bushwick to L.A. and back, this astrologist reflects on her journey into the profession.

Trans Monogamist Dating: The Hickey

A hickey is a mark of ownership. A quirky, playful way of leaving your scent. But what if the man who gives you a hickey has no interest in owning you at all?

Leaving Bushwick Is Never Easy

Bushwick Daily's managing editor says goodbye the only way she knows how: with an essay.

Scorcher: My First Day of the M Train’s Summer of Hell

What happens when the L and the M are not both functioning at full capacity?

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