Community Poll: Where in Bushwick Do You Run Into Blasts From Your Past?

Have you ever found yourself telling your Bushwick friends “You’ll never guess who I just saw, oh my god!”

Or, “You see that person sitting at the bar with the striped shirt? We had a week long fling a year ago and the last time we saw each other I ran into a cab after a real date was proposed.”

Or, “Somebody from my intro to philosophy class just walked up to me and told me that we were in intro to philosophy together like 8 years ago and I have no idea who this person is and this is so awkward.”

If you have, we feel you.

For those of you who have lived here for a considerable amount of time, you may have arrived at the point where you can hardly go anywhere anymore without running into somebody from your past: an old pal from three friend groups ago, a person you had a torrid make out sesh with at a bar, or somebody you haven’t seen in years and haven’t thought about once since.

Whether it’s a serendipitous occasion or something you totally did not want to happen ever, recognizing people everywhere comes with the territory after having lived in one place long enough.

And, positive or negative, the unexpected nature of reacting towards seeing somebody you weren’t expecting to is almost inherently awkward!

Because of that, Bushwick Daily would like our readers to take this poll: we want to know where you run into the most people you may or may not have wanted to run into!

It’s summer and we’re all going out a little bit too much, frequenting spots we haven’t been to in a while, or in general just leaving our apartments in search of a place that has AC. We see you out here—tell us your stories!

Is your run in spot missing from your poll? Tell us where this happens to you in the comments below (and if you have a good story about this happening, we’d love to hear that, too)!

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