The New York Times Declared Bushwick OVER. Your Rent is Getting Lower

Photo: BrooklynScribe

Was it an attempt to have an engaging story lead, or does The New York Times really believe that Bushwick is over?

Today, The New York Times published an article “New York’s Next Hot Neighborhoods” in their real estate section announcing that Bushwick is over. If you live in Ridgewood, don’t giggle because your neighborhood wasn’t spared either. “Ridgewood, Queens, had its hipster moment,” the Times writes. The new hot neighborhoods according to Michelle Higgins are Sunset Park West, The Rockaways, Flatbush and East Harlem.

We love to hate/hate to love the Times trend pieces but you know which one is our favorite? This one from 1993, which reads, “Though Bushwick remains intensely poor, the neighborhood around St. Barbara’s Church is one of the least heralded and most successful urban reclamation projects in New York City.”

Also being denounced as the hot real estate neighborhood might actually have cooling effects on our rents for a change.

But before you launch into a pro/contra Times discussion, watch this.

Happy weekend, Bushwick!


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