Bushwick Daily is Hiring Part-Time Salesperson

We are looking for someone to join the Bushwick Daily team as a part-time sales rep and relationship manager. You will need to commit at least 10 hours per week.

The individual selected for this position will spend the first week training and learning about the Bushwick Daily platform. After that, you will hit the ground running and be able to set your own schedule. You will report to the CEO.

You should apply to this position if you are eager to learn, a good communicator, self-motivated and a friendly person who lives in Bushwick or surrounding neighborhoods. We are looking for creative and empathetic individuals who can listen, understand marketing needs and have the ability to communicate how the Bushwick Daily platform can meet those needs. You should be goal oriented and have a track record of achieving your goals.

The new team member will have the opportunity to meet and work with many local businesses and organizations in Brooklyn, therefore, you should value personal relationships and enjoy working with other entrepreneurs.

The applicant will also understand the importance of creating mutually beneficial marketing partnerships.

As a local news organization, we would also like for the applicant to understand the importance of local news and be willing to learn about how businesses, politicians and residents coexist in Bushwick.

Training will be provided but the applicant should be familiar with Google Analytics, Mail Chimp and HTML.


This position is a commission-based sales position.

To apply, please introduce yourself and send your resume to bushwickdaily [at] gmail.com.

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