The Satanic Temple of New York City Invites New Yorkers to Celebrate Sol Invictus at 3 Dollar Bill

Looking for last minute plans this weekend? The Satanic Temple of NYC is hosting a holiday event on Saturday on December 17 at 3 Dollar Bill called SACRILEGE. It starts at 5pm. The show marks a holiday called “Sol Invictus” and includes a Black Mass, a group unbaptism and music from DJ Kamikaze Tomato.

Sol Invictus is an official holiday of the Satanic Temple that celebrates the pursuit of knowledge and being unconquered by superstition. The temple is a federally recognized religious organization. And according to their website, they believes in promoting reason, empathy, and the pursuit of knowledge. They have a non-theistic view of Satan, seeking him as a symbol of the eternal eebel in opposition to arbitrary authority.

Both the Black Mass and group unbaptism are going to be performed and officiated by two of the temple’s New York City-based ministers of satan. According to the group, their “Black Mass” is a celebration of blasphemy, which can be an expression of personal liberty and freedom and their “unbaptism” is a ritual in which participants renounce superstitions that may have been imposed upon them without their consent as a child.

Participation in these rituals is optional, but the organization invites the public to join in on the holiday if they find them personally meaningful.

Tickets are on sale now and cost $26 now and will cost $30 at the door.

More information on TST NYC’s SACRILEGE event can be found here.

You can find more information on The Satanic Temple here.

All images courtesy of the Satanic Temple of NYC.

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