Bushwick Occult Studios: Proof that Art is Alchemy

bushwick open studios

There are a lot of theories about the ways that art and alchemy cross paths. After all, the point of art for many is to manipulate the world around us. This past Bushwick Open Studios gave us some great examples of the craft at work.


House of Screwball threw their yearly party with performances and seances on a roof. The perfect way to kick off a weekend of events.

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Photo by @houseofscrewball

They exist because we exist. Spotted at 56 Bogart.


9 of Pentacles Apothecary sold its goods. Spotted on Bogart Street.


This 3D skull was probably one of the most Instagrammed pieces of the weekend. Spotted at 56 Bogart.

Photo via @navituchka

Artist Dina Levy pulling it all together like Virgos do at the Virgo show.

Pretty sure that lipstick is Makeup Forever.

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Photo via @arckiiart

We brought you some good ol’ Lilycrosses and veils which separate us from the stars and all that is holy just like in Waite’s Tarot deck at Tarot Society Gallery and Reading Room.


This installation was like a technical ocean. Spotted at 17-17 Troutman.

Photo via @dericccarner

Artist Brian Ortiz spotted at The Living Gallery.


These mosaic shrines included esoteric images. Work by Joe Bochynski spotted at The Active Space.


Abracadabra brought all of the acrobats.

Photo via @krissthemiss1

Artist Caitlin Karolczak paints subjects attempting to escape from a torturous past. Spotted at the artist’s studio.


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