You Shan’t Get Lost: BOS 2015 Maps & Apps Are Now Available!

Whether you’re a high tech savvy flyby or whether you like your Bushwick Open Studios on an old-fashioned paper, we have good news for you.

Arts in Bushwick

, the mothership behind

Bushwick Open Studios

, has launched their festival app (both for


as well as for


) as well as official printed programs.

If you have Android like me, you’ll be disappointed with the app.

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BOS 2015 Android App

But if you have an iPhone, you’ll be quite happy.

iPhone BOS 2015 App


I downloaded both Android and iPhone apps this morning, and I am glad to report that both work. However, not equally well. The Android app seems to have a lot less functionality than the iPhone one. In Android, you can check out the list of studios by media, as well as you have a direct access to events and sponsors. Unfortunately, the app doesn’t have a map to show you where you are and what studios are around you, which let’s face it, is kind of the crucial feature.

iPhone app seems to be a lot better. It has the map thanks to which you can explore studios nearby, as well as other functionality mentioned in connection with the Android app. In addition it has a neat “Favorite” feature, which allows you to save your favorite studios and events, and to create your own “to see list.” Unfortunately, favoriting works only from the list of studios, not from the map.

photo: Arts in Bushwick Facebook

We haven’t gotten our hands on the printed programs just yet but they look pretty good. According to Arts in Bushwick, the programs are now available for a pick up at a hub location near you: Panapoly Performance Laboratory [104 Meserole St]; Pine Box Rock Shop [12 Grattan St]; Cobra Club [10 Wyckoff Ave]; Allison Eden Studios [164 Cook Street]; SHWICK [6 Charles Pl]; The Buggy House [14 Kossuth Pl]; I.M.A.G.E. Gallery [1501 Broadway Ave]; Wilson’s [164 Wilson Ave]; Outlet [253 Wilson Ave]; Norte Maar [83 Wyckoff Ave]; Tony’s Pizza [443 Knickerbocker Ave] and Outpost [1665 Norman St]).

Let us know how you like this year’s apps and maps in the comments!


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