Our Bushwick Nightz Book Launch Was Beautiful Thanks to You Folks [PHOTOS]

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Katarina Hybenova and Dallas Athent. All photos by Gustavo Ponce for Bushwick Daily.

Last Thursday Bushwick Daily and small urban press Catopolis launched their first book collaboration ever, Bushwick Nightz at Lot 45! The book includes 12 short stories about life in the hood’, including everything from gentrification to one-night stands. We’ve been talking about this book since Bushwick Open Studios when we did our first reading, but we’ve actually been working on it for over a year.

Some of the writers included in Bushwick Nightz grew up in Bushwick, some have moved here from other parts of New York; others have moved here from other parts of the world, and others have only visited. Each perspective offers a different outlook on what it means to experience the neighborhood at this point in time. The collection is kinda scandalous, but also introspective, a roller-coaster of emotion, and a fun beach read.

The launch was fantastic. I had a chance to read my story and talk about the making of the book alongside two of the other writers, John Jarzemsky and Prospero Vega. Comedian Eric Silver was our gracious host, and kept the show moving. And most importantly all of you beautiful people showed up to listen to our stories! I cannot express enough what this means to us. There are so many stories here and these are just some of them, so it was truly an honor to have all of you come out and want to hear ours. We hope that Bushwick Nightz acts as a time capsule of Bushwick today.

From left to right is Prospero Vega (writer), Eric Nelson (our host), Dallas Athent (that’s me!) and John Jarzemsky (writer).

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John Jarzemsky read his story “Goodnight.” The ladies were swooning.

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Prospero Vega read his story “Reading While Standing, Reading While Walking,” while standing.

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When asked if there was any place he wouldn’t go in New York while he grew up in Bushwick, he stated “The Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square…”


This was basically my face the entire night. I was scared and full of emotion!

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I read an excerpt of my story “You Just Don’t Get It.”

Emily Niland, a fantastic illustrator asked the writers some hard-hitting questions about how they get the right voice for a story.

It was a wonderful evening, and we’re so happy we saw you all there!


In case you missed us but you still want a copy, here’s where you can purchase:

In Bushwick:

Better Than Jam, 123 Knickerbocker Ave

Molasses Books, 77 Hart St

Human Relations, 1067 Flushing Ave

Other stores:

Strand Bookstore, 828 Broadway, New York NY

Spoonbill & Sugartown, 218 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn NY



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